Workflow solutions to accelerate your COVID-19 cell response and vaccine development

Vaccine development workflows vary depending upon the platform (e.g. inactivated virus vs. DNA vaccine) chosen, each having its own advantages. CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and many other organizations promote such diverse approaches during a pandemic in order to increase the likelihood of success against the infectious agent.
Here we've simplified the view of a variety of virus-related workflows – from antigen/immunogen and antibody discovery to stable cell line development. Learn more by clicking a workflow below:
COVID-19 related research solutions

Accelerate your COVID-19 research
Molecular Devices is committed to supporting scientists that are researching COVID-19 cellular response and vaccine development by offering technology and solutions that you can deploy rapidly.

Applications for critical research
Learn more about how our technology can help your research of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases for vaccine development, therapeutics and diagnostics.
Other great resources
Resources related to COVID-19 cellular responses and vaccine development
Systems to accelerate your COVID-19 cellular response and vaccine development
We have validated and compliant laboratory solutions including microplate readers, microplate washers, biopharma and cellular imaging systems to meet your research needs.