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Enhance your Electrophysiology studies with Axon pCLAMP 11 Software

Which Digidata units are compatible with pCLAMP 11?

The Digidata 1550, 1550A, 1550b, and with the Digidata 1440. However, it is not compatible with the Digidata 1322 or older units. For more information, please consult our compatibility table.

Do you need to buy additional features to gain access to advanced capabilities, like the Action Potential Analysis?

You do not need to buy ‘add ons’ for our software, but which features you have access to depends on which version of pCLAMP 11 you purchase – the standard or the advanced version.
The advanced version contains all the capabilities of the full pCLAMP 11 suite for both the Clampfit and the Clampex software, including new features such as Action Potential Analysis, Population Spike Analysis and Batch Analysis etc. The standard suite, however, includes new features in the Clampex software only. However, it is possible to upgrade your Clampfit software suite swiftly and easily by purchasing an ‘advanced’ Clampfit dongle from us. It’s also worth noting that it works out cheaper to upgrade an older version of pCLAMP software to pCLAMP 11. Speak to your account manager about this option.

When using the HumSilencer, is the raw data also saved?

Yes, but you need to split the acquired signal from amplifier into two analog input channels in the digitizer. The data digitized in the analog input channel without HumSilencer integrated is raw data.