T-cell and patient-derived organoid interaction


A novel workflow to assess the T-cell and patient-derived organoid interaction

T-cell and patient-derived organoid interaction

Studies show that patient-derived organoids (PDOs) show similar responses to drugs as original tumors, suggesting the value of using PDOs to improve therapeutic outcomes.

Immunotherapy is increasingly popular as a type of cancer treatment. Although much success has been achieved with immunotherapy for treatment of blood cancers, its efficacy remains limited in solid tumors.

Here, we developed a method to assess the effectiveness of T-cell invasion in solid tumors using PDOs. To quantify T-cell invasion, we developed an image analysis method to measure the distance of each T-cell to the nearest organoid (a distance). We found that stimulated T-cells resulted in smaller interaction distance than non-stimulated T-cells. These results demonstrate the utility of the bioreactor-expanded organoids in large scale T-cell-based screens.

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ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai; IN Carta Image Analysis Software; ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System
A novel workflow to assess the T-cell and patient-derived organoid interaction
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