Axon Digidata 1550B HumSilencer
Axon Digidata 1550B Low-Noise Data Acquisition System

Axon Digidata 1550B Low-Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer

High-resolution, low-noise digitizer with 50/60 Hz line-frequency noise elimination

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The digitizer that enables acquisition of patch-clamp data

The Axon™ Digidata® 1550B plus HumSilencer® is one of the most advanced analog-to-digital signal converters on the market, offering the innovative line synchronous noise-cancelling feature, HumSilencer. This advanced feature learns, adapts, and eliminates local 50/60 Hz line-frequency noise and high-frequency harmonics from incoming signals. The digitizer works with pCLAMPTM 11 Software for data acquisition and analysis. The software supports eight channels of analog acquisition and four acquisition modes.

Noise Cancelling Icon

Eliminate line-frequency noise

HumSilencer removes 50/60 hz line-frequency noise on up to four channels in parallel. The function is quickly enabled through a software checkbox.

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Record high resolution traces

All eight analog input channels can be simultaneously digitized at an impressive sampling rate of 500 kHz per channel.

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Digitize cellular network studies

With Digidata 1550B system, you can now record cellular networks without 50/60 Hz line-frequency noise in a single digitizer while saving money, time, and reducing hassle.

Introducing the Axon Digidata 1550B Low Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer


Measure Icon

50/60 hz noise cancellation

HumSilencer is an advanced feature that learns, adapts, and eliminates local 50/60 Hz line-frequency noise patterns and associated high-frequency harmonics from incoming signal up to 20 V peak-to-peak.

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Noise canceling

HumSilencer is not a filter and has no effect on acquired signals. It causes no signal distortion such as frequency change, amplitude attenuation, phase shift, or DC voltage change.

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Wide range of input signals

Digidata 1550B digitizes a wide range of input signals from -10 to +10 V.

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HumSilencer adaptation

HumSilencer automatically recognizes changes in noise amplitudes and adapts by removing noise in less than one second.

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Optimized for pCLAMP 11 Software

The pCLAMP Software suite is the most widely-used patch-clamp electrophysiology data acquisition and analysis program for control and recording of voltage-clamp, current-clamp, and patch-clamp experiments.

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Three configurations

Three configurations are available: Digidata 1550B4 with four HumSilencer channels, Digidata 1550B1 with one HumSilencer channel, and Digidata 1550B0 without a HumSilencer channel.


What are the advantages of Digidata 1550B?

The Digidata 1550B comes with HumSilencer options. Depending on the model, it allows you to get rid of the line-frequency noises, also known as 50/60Hz noises, for up to 4 analog input channels. In addition, the Digidata 1550B offers a sampling rate of up to 500kHz and 8 analog output channels.

How do I use the Digitizer/Clampex software to control external devices?

Our digitizer uses digital outputs to control external devices, which could include a stimulus isolator, LED lights, perfusion system, etc. The digital output channel sends out a 5V TTL signal and controls the external devices. For example, you could connect a BNC cable from one of the digital output channels to the trigger input of a stimulus isolator. In Clampex software, you would then enable the digital outputs in the waveform tab. Each digit in the digital bit pattern corresponds to one of the digital output channels. Use “1” to turn on the corresponding channel and use “0” to turn off the corresponding channel.

How can we control HumSilencer?

The HumSilencer feature is integrated into the Digidata 1550B series and can be enabled or disabled using the CLAMPEX software.

When using the HumSilencer, is the raw data also saved?

Yes, but you need to split the acquired signal from the amplifier into two analog input channels in the digitizer. The data digitized in the analog input channel without HumSilencer integrated is raw data.

Can we use HumSilencer with episodic simulation protocols?

Yes, it can be used in both episodic stimulation and gap-free protocols.

How do I know how many HumSilencer channels my Digidata 1550B supports?

A sticker on the rear panel of the instrument indicates how many Adaptive Noise Cancellation (ANC) channels the instrument has. This will indicate how many, if any, HumSilencer channels the unit supports.

This information can also be found in Clampex software after the software recognizes the digitizer. Go to the ‘Configure’ tab and select ‘Digitizer’ in the Clampex software. The number of HumSilencer channels is listed in the configuration after the digitizer model is scanned.

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Customer Breakthrough

Nichelle Jackson- University of Michigan use our Axon instruments to investigate NMDAR receptor blockers


University of Michigan use our Axon instruments to investigate NMDAR receptor blockers

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Applications of Axon Digidata 1550B Low-Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer

Specifications & Options of Axon Digidata 1550B Low-Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer

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Resources of Axon Digidata 1550B Low-Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer

Axon Digidata 1550B Low-Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer


Part Number
Axoclamp 900A Headstage HS-9A X0.1U
x0.1 headstage
Axoclamp 900A Headstage HS-9A X1U
x1 headstage
Axoclamp 900A Headstage HS-9A X10U
x10 headstage
Axoclamp 900A Headstage VG-9A X10U
x10 virtual ground headstage
Axoclamp 900A Headstage VG-9A X100U
x100 virtual ground headstage
MultiClamp 700B Headstage CV-7B
Patch-clamp headstage
MultiClamp 700B Headstage CV-7B/BL
Bilayer headstage
MultiClamp 700B Headstage CV-7B/EC
Electrochemistry headstage

Electrode holders, adapters, and holder components

Part Number
Electrode Holder for U-Type Headstages
Fits glass pipettes with outer diameter of 1.0 - 1.7 mm
Electrode Holder Replacement Caps
Set of 2 polycarbonate caps for HL-U holders
Cone Washers 1.1mm ID
Set of 10 orange cone washers for HL-U holders, fit glass with outer diameter of 1.0 - 1.1 mm
Cone Washers 1.3mm ID
Set of 10 orange cone washers for HL-U holders, fit glass with outer diameter of 1.1 - 1.3 mm
Cone Washers 1.5mm ID
Set of 10 orange cone washers for HL-U holders, fit glass with outer diameter of 1.3 - 1.5 mm
Cone Washers 1.7mm ID
Set of 10 orange cone washers for HL-U holders, fit glass with outer diameter of 1.5 - 1.7 mm
Pins 1mm for HL-U Holders
Set of 3 brass pins for HL-U holders, 1mm
2mm Plugs with Solder Cups
Set of 5 general purpose gold plugs, 2mm, with solder cups
Silver Wire
Set of 5 Ag wires, 0.25mm diameter, 50mm long
Silicone Tubing for Silver Wire
1mm ID x 70mm Long Silicone Tubing
Silver/Silver Chloride Pellet Assemblies
Set of 3 Ag/AgCl pellet assemblies
Adapter For BNC Holders To U-Type Headstages
Connects BNC holders to CV and HS headstages with threaded collets (U-type)
Right-Angle Adapter for HL-U Electrode Holders
Fits CV and HS headstages with threaded collets (U-type)

Model Cells

Part Number
Model Cell for Oocytes
Axoclamp/ GeneClamp model cell for oocytes. Connects to U-type HS series headstages
Model Cell for TEVC / DSEVC
Axoclamp/ GeneClamp model cell for two-electrode voltage clamp/ discontinuous single-electrode voltage-clamp conditions. Connects to U-type HS series headstages
Model Cell for Whole Cell/ Single Channels
Axopatch/ GeneClamp/ MultiClamp model cell for whole-cell / single-channel patch-clamp conditions. Connects to U-type CV series headstages
Model Cell for Bilayers
Axopatch/ GeneClamp/ MultiClamp model cell for bilayer conditions. Connects to U-type CV series headstages


Part Number
Cable To Connect Axoclamp 2 Headstages To Axoclamp 900A Amplifier
Allows Axoclamp 2 headstages (HS-2, VG-2) to be used on Axoclamp 900A Amplifiers


Part Number
SoftPanel Amplifier Control Unit
Provides physical knob and button control for computer-controlled Axoclamp 900-series and MultiClamp 700-series amplifiers. Requires a USB connection.
Remote Buzz For Axoclamp 900A
Hand-held buzz duration control for Axoclamp 900A Amplifier (1-50ms)
Silver/Silver Chloride Pellet Assemblies
Set of 3 Ag/AgCl pellet assembly and Ag wire