Single Cell Cloning

Single-cell cloning

Achieve superior clonality with innovative solutions

Single-cell cloning

Single-cell cloning is essential for producing genetically uniform cell lines, particularly in therapeutic protein production. Traditional methods like limiting dilution cloning (LDC) are labor-intensive and inefficient, often requiring multiple rounds to achieve a high probability of clonality (PoC). Tools such as the DispenCell™ Single-Cell Dispenser and CloneSelect® Imager, revolutionize this process by offering a faster, more reliable method that ensures high monoclonal colony yield and regulatory compliance. These tools are indispensable for industrial cell line development, enabling rapid, accurate, and efficient single-cell isolation and analysis.

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DispenCell Single-Cell Dispenser

High-precision single-cell dispensing system

The DispenCell™ Single-Cell Dispenser is designed to achieve high accuracy in single-cell isolation, significantly improving the efficiency of cell line development.

DispenCell Single-Cell Dispenser
  • High Probability of Clonality (PoC): Achieves a remarkable 98.4% PoC, ensuring robust and reliable cell line development.
  • Impedance-Based Technology: Precisely isolates single cells with minimal manual intervention, enhancing process accuracy.
  • Rapid Clonality Verification: Enables visual confirmation of monoclonality on Day 0, streamlining early-stage cloning.
  • Efficient Workflow Integration: Seamlessly integrates into automated workflows, reducing labor and resource demands.

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CloneSelect Imager

High-resolution imaging system for monoclonality assurance

The CloneSelect® Imager delivers high-resolution fluorescence imaging, providing reliable evidence of monoclonality for regulatory compliance.

CloneSelect Imager
  • Automated Colony Screening: Screens colonies with high precision, supporting high-throughput cell line development.
  • Advanced Fluorescence Imaging: Captures detailed images to confirm clonality, improving data reliability.
  • Seamless Workflow Integration: Easily integrates with the DispenCell for a comprehensive single-cell cloning solution.
  • Customizable Analysis Settings: Offers flexible imaging and analysis options to meet specific research requirements.

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