In-depth characterization of a new patient-derived xenograft model for metaplastic breast carcinoma to identify viable biologic targets and patterns of matrix evolution within rare tumor types

Metaplastic breast carcinoma (MBC)

Metaplastic breast carcinoma (MBC) is a rare breast cancer subtype with rapid growth, high rates of metastasis, recurrence and drug resistance, and diverse molecular and histological heterogeneity. Patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) provide a translational tool and physiologically relevant system to evaluate tumor biology of rare subtypes. Here, we provide an in-depth comprehensive characterization of a new PDX model for MBC, TU-BcX-4IC. TU-BcX-4IC is a clinically aggressive tumor exhibiting rapid growth in vivo, spontaneous metastases, and elevated levels of cell-free DNA and circulating tumor cell DNA.

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