Accelerate cell line development and assure monoclonality with regulatory-ready reports
Cell line development requires the discovery of single cell-derived clones that produce high and consistent levels of the target therapeutic protein. A critical first step in the process is the isolation of single, viable cells. Single cells proliferate to form colonies that can then be assessed for productivity of the target therapeutic protein. Viability and growth rates of single cell-derived clones are then characterized before final selection and scale-up.
Example of an integrated system solution for a cell line development workcell:
- DispenCell Single-Cell Dispenser
- CloneSelect Imager FL
- SpectraMax Multi-Mode Microplate Reader
- AquaMax Microplate Washer
- Sartorius Octet BLI Label-Free Detection Systems
- Beckman Coulter Biomek automated liquid handler
- Bionex Solutions HiG4 automated centrifuge
- LiCONiC LiCotel automated plate hotels
- LiCONiC StoreX automated incubator