Signal Stability over Time

Results demonstrate the signal stability of the ScanLater Assay System. Three dilutions of Transferrin were separated by electrophoresis and transferred to an Immobilon FL membrane and probed with rabbit anti-transferrin. Blots were incubated with the ScanLater Eu-labeled Anti-rabbit Secondary Antibodies. Membranes were measured on day 1 and day 30. Results represent a three-fold serial dilution of transferrin 1x sample buffer was loaded on a 4-20% gradient gel run for 30 min. Proteins were transferred to an Immobilon FL membrane and probed with rabbit anti-transferrin overnight at 4˚C followed by incubation with europium-labeled anti-rabbit IgG for 1 hr. Blots were washed, dried, and scanned on the same day and after a month using a SpectraMax Paradigm Reader.

Signal Stability over Time