Representative Data from SpectraMax Microplate Readers

Data collected using HeLa cells. (A) Live/Dead: Cell viability as measured by the green (live)/red (dead) fluorescence ratio; (B) Caspase-3/7 R110: Cell apoptosis as measured by the caspase 3/7 activity; (C) Glutathione: Cell apoptosis as measured by the glutathione content; D&E: Caspase-3/7 NucView 488. The EarlyTox Caspase-3/7 NucView 488 Assay Kits are also applicable to fluorescence imaging, as the nuclei of intact apoptotic cells are labeled per their caspase activity; (D) Assessment of caspase 3/7 activity on plate reader; (E) Assessment of caspase 3/7 using fluorescence imaging.

Representative Data from SpectraMax Readers