Cell Imaging & Analysis Workflow
Plate Cells


Plate adherent or suspension cells into the labware of choice including culture dishes, chamber slides, and microplates. Incubate the cells at normal culture conditions (i.e. 37°C, 5% CO2). For adherent cells, incubating the plated cells overnight will allow ample time for cell attachment and growth.

96 or 384 Well Plates

96- or 384- Well Plates

Most cell cultures for high-content, high-throughput screening are run using 96- or 384-well microplates.


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EarlyTox Cell Viability Assay Kits

Treat With Compounds


If necessary for the protocol, treat the cells with compounds of interest.

Compounds can be added to cells for minutes up to several days depending on the mechanism of action of the compounds and the biological re-sponse being investigated. For example, apoptosis or receptor internalization assays generally require shorter incubation periods while multiparametric cytotoxicity assays require longer periods. Longer compound treatments may require the replacement of compounds during incubation

Stain for Markers


Live cells can be stained with a variety of fluorophores or transfected/transduced with constructs containing fluorescent protein – peptide fusions. Manufacturer instructions should be followed when staining. Stain-ing isn’t necessary for all live cell applications and label free imaging and analysis allows for the tracking and monitoring of cells in brightfield only.

96 or 384 Well Plates

Assay Kits

Easy-to-use, robust assay kits for life science research, drug discovery and development, and bioassays. Our assay kits are optimized for use on our instruments. Screen more compounds earlier in drug discovery and enable characterization of a full concentra-tion-response profile of test compounds.

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Imagexpress high content Imaging Portfolio

ImageXpress High-content Imaging Portfolio

Our systems for high-content imaging and analysisprovide flexible scalability making it easy to evolve your system alongside your research. They feature options and modules to address your specific research including objectives, filters, imaging modes, and envi-ronmental conditions.

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Acquire Live Cell Image


For continuous time-lapse acquisitions, configure the total length of time for the time series and the imaging intervals, i.e. image every hour for 24 hours.

Discontinuous time-lapse acquisitions can be per-formed, where the plate is taken to and from the incubator and imaged at different time points.

Analyze Live Cell Image


Analyze the images with cellular imaging analysis software to generate multiparametric readouts for the biological responses that are being studied. Kinetic data can be generated and reviewed for time-lapse acquisitions.

CellReporterXpress Software

Cellular Imaging Acquisition and Analysis Software

MetaXpress® High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software is a comprehensive solution for high-content analysis featuring a tightly orchestrated and integrated workflow. The portfolio of application modules supports a range of needs from ease-of-use through to proprietary assay design. The software includes powerful and elegant tools for 2D and 3D imaging such as time lapse analysis. With the assistance of our acquisition setup wizard, you’ll be generating data in minutes.

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