Access cytotoxicity using the Delfia cell proliferation assay

Access cytotoxicity using the Delfia cell proliferation assay

Cell proliferation is an important parameter to measure when testing compound toxicity or the effect of cytokines on a population of cells. Since cell proliferation requires the synthesis of DNA, one accurate way to measure cell proliferation is to monitor the uptake of the modified thymidine nucleotide BrdU1. The DELFIA® cell proliferation assay is a time-resolved immunoassay based on the incorporation of BrdU into newly synthesized DNA strands of proliferating cells.

In this application note, we used the DELFIA cell proliferation assay to assess cytotoxicity of the chemotherapy drugs paclitaxel and etoposide in HeLa cells using the SpectraMax® i3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader.

Application note: Delfia cell proliferation assay on the SpectraMax i3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader