patient-derived tumoroids


The search for answers: Using lab automation with patient-derived tumoroids to find more relevant therapies for clinically aggressive cancers

patient-derived Tumoroids Webinar

Cancer drug development and drug testing processes are being successfully accelerated with the use of primary tumor-derived models because they reliably represent tumor heterogeneity, morphology, and complex genetic and molecular composition. However, the complexity of performing 3D assays remains a hurdle for adoption when it comes to methods for compound screening.

Learn how Tulane University worked with Molecular Devices in their search to find more relevant therapies for clinically aggressive cancers by developing a method to simplify, automate, and scale up complex 3D cell-based assays. They’ll also share advanced analysis approaches that deliver more information about these cellular systems, disease phenotypes, and compound effects.

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Product family
3D Biology
Product primary application
ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System; MetaXpress High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software
The search for answers: Using lab automation with patient-derived tumoroids to find more relevant therapies for clinically aggressive cancers
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patient-derived Tumoroids Webinar

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