Cancer Research


Accelerating Cancer Research: Microplate Reader-Based Viability Analysis for Rapid Drug Candidate Identification in Patient-Derived Organoids

Cancer Research Webinar


Dive into organoid-based cancer research and discover how microplate readers can transform your drug discovery process. This webinar, presented by Dr. Krystal Belmonte and Dr. Angeline Lim, showcases innovative techniques for identifying and assessing drug candidates using patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids. Learn how to leverage microplate reader technology to streamline and enhance your research.

What You Will Learn:

Register now to gain instant access to this valuable resource and learn how microplate readers can elevate your cancer research.

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Product family
Microplate Reader
Product primary application
SpectraMax i3x Multi-Mode Microplate Reader; ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System
Accelerating Cancer Research: Microplate Reader-Based Viability Analysis for Rapid Drug Candidate Identification in Patient-Derived Organoids
Resource URL
Resource Link
Resource Image URL
Patient-Derived Organoids Webinar

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