Automation of 3D bioprinting assays for high-content imaging and assessment of compound effects
The automation of the 3D cell models results in a significant reduction in the time and effort involved, as well as an increase in assay precision and throughput.
Here we describe methods for an automated generation of organoids and 3D models using automated 3D bioprinting. The results showed the workflow for automated bioprinting/dispensing 3D cellular models with ECM matrices for anti-cancer drug screening workflows. An increase in throughput and ease of operation was achieved through automation. Also, imaging and data analysis methods provided valuable information about complex compound effects in 3D printed and cell-tissue-engineered models.
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3D Biology
Product primary application
Bioassembly Bot 400; ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System; MetaXpress High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software
Automation of 3D bioprinting assays for high-content imaging and assessment of compound effects
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