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University of California, Davis uses the MultiWash washer to engineer replacement and temporal bridge tissue


University of California Davis, Leach Lab, Biomedial Engineering Department


Kaitlin Murphy, Doctoral Candidate


MultiWash+ Microplate Washer

The Challenge

Research in the Leach Laboratory at the University of California Davis focuses on cellular and tissue engineering. Initial project development focuses on bone tissue engineering and findings are subsequently applied to other areas of tissue repair including cartilage, cardiovascular, and neural tissue engineering.
Kaitlin Murphy uses MultiWash Washer

The Solution

Kaitlin Murphy, Doctoral Candidate at Leach Laboratory uses the MultiWash with a microplate washer as part of an ELISA workflow to identify proteins of interest within specific cellular pathways.

Products Used

When everything has to be just right, you'll really appreciate having a MultiWash+™ Microplate Washer in your lab. Compact, quiet, and efficient, the MultiWash+ washer comes with the option of 20 different wash protocols, with variations that include adjustable speed and volume, adjustable aspiration speed and time, adjustable soak times, and three modes of shaking. Comes with four wash/rinse bottles. Configurable for both 96- and 384-well plates.

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