ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

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What is ELISA?

ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a method used to quantitatively detect an antigen within a sample. An antigen is a toxin or other foreign substance, for example a flu virus or environmental contaminant, that causes the vertebrate immune system to mount a defensive response. The range of potential antigens is vast, so ELISAs are used in many areas of research and testing to detect and quantify antigens in a wide variety of sample types. Cell lysates, blood samples, food items, and more can be analyzed for specific substances of interest using ELISAs.

There are four major types of ELISAs: direct, indirect, competitive and sandwich. Each type is described below with a diagram illustrating how the analytes and antibodies are bonded and used.

Steps to run a sandwich ELISA assay

Most sandwich ELISAs are run in microplates, with the bottom of the plate wells serving as the solid surface to which antibodies and other reagents bind. A microplate washer is used to wash away non-specific material in the wells, and an absorbance ELISA microplate reader detects the color change produced when target antigen is present. And, a plate reader software is used to plot standard curves and calculate results.

The illustration below shows a workflow for a typical sandwich ELISA assay:

ELISA Assay Workflow \

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Step 1: Capture antibody binds to ELISA plate wells

Step 2: Add sample to well – antigen within the sample binds to the capture antibody.

Step 3: Wash microplate – Unbound material is washed away, leaving only the antigen of interest

Step 4: Add detection antibody – Enzyme-conjugated detection antibody binds to a second site on the antigen of interest

Step 5: Wash microplate – Unbound antibodies are washed away, leaving only those specific for the target of interest

Step 6: Add substrate – Substrate is converted by the enzyme on the detection antibody, producing a color change

Step 7: Read plate – The microplate reader detects the colored reaction product and outputs optical density (OD) values

Step 8: Calculate results – The amount of antigen in each sample is calculated and analyzed

While an ELISA is easy to set up, the assay procedure is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Laboratory automation for high-throughput plate-based assay workflows can help with providing walkaway time, increasing throughput, effectiveness and efficiency of the assay procedure, and reproducibility.

View ELISA protocol

Automate ELISA workflow

ELISA assays and applications

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a commonly used analytical technique performed in many research and biotech labs. Below is a collection of application notes, research and technology related to significant ELISA assays and applications.

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Workflow of an ELISA protocol

The workflow of a typical sandwich ELISA protocol has multiple reagent addition, incubation and wash steps. Here we’ve highlighted each step and the instrumentation and tools needed to conduct the ELISA assay including a microplate washer, absorbance ELISA plate reader and software.

Resources for ELISA