Axon Patch-Clamp

Axon Patch-Clamp

The complete workflow solution for patch-clamp electrophysiology

  • Most widely-used patch-clamp electrophysiology software
  • Multi-channel experiments can be performed
  • Signal-to-noise ratios close to theoretical limits of physics

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Systems for whole cell patch-clamp, extracellular, and single-channel recordings

The Axon Instruments® portfolio provides comprehensive solutions for patch-clamping that includes amplifiers, digitizer, software, and accessories. Our best-in-class instruments facilitate the entire range of patch-clamp technique experiments from the smallest single-channel to the largest macroscopic recordings. With the addition of Axon™ pCLAMP™ 11 Software Suite for acquisition, recording and analysis, a truly streamlined workflow is realized.

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Eliminate line-frequency noise

The HumSilencer™ feature removes 50/60 hz line-frequency noise on up to four channels in parallel. The function is quickly enabled through a software checkbox.

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Maximize signal-to-noise ratio

The Axopatch™ 200B Amplifier offers one of the lowest-noise, single-channel recordings available via an innovative actively cooled headstage with capacitor-feedback technology.

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Streamline workflows

pCLAMP Software offers a selection of modules and tools that simplifies setup and enables automation of parameters.

A complete workflow solution for patch-clamp electrophysiology

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Amplification—amplify your success

  • Control via pCLAMP software maximizes flexibility in setting up and performing different experimental protocols
  • A wide range of amplifiers means we can offer the ideal choice for your application, providing the best possible data
  • Our lowest-noise amplifier/digitizer instruments provide the highest signal resolution, and eliminate 50 or 60 Hz line-frequency noise contamination

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Axon Instruments Patch-Clamp Amplifiers

Axon Instruments Patch-Clamp Amplifiers

Axon™ Digidata® 1550B plus HumSilencer

The Axon™ Digidata® 1550B plus HumSilencer®


Digitization—get better data, faster

  • High rate of sampling (500kHz) means a more faithful digitization process, allowing for precise digital reconstruction of the analogue signal due to minimal information loss
  • Eight channels can be sampled and digitized simultaneously, increasing data acquisition speed
  • The HumSilencer option with the Digidata range eliminates of 50 and 60Hz line-frequency noise, making the biological signal clearer without distorting the data

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Acquisition — get more flexibility and easier acquisition

  • Enhanced protocol editor in pCLAMP 11 Software allows for longer and more sophisticated protocols to be programmed and reduces protocol setup time
  • Multiple windows can be simultaneously displayed during a Membrane Test protocol, making it easier to patch multiple cells
  • Gap-free mode allows the programming of command and digital outputs in a continuous recording, allowing you to enhance protocol design and trigger actions within the protocol automatically
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Analysis—discover more while saving time

  • Acquisition and analysis are combined in one package, streamlining the entire process
  • Advanced modules allow action potential and population spike measurements to be made automatically
  • New Batch Analysis feature allows multiple datasets to be analysed using an identical macro; saving time on data analysis and ensuring the exact same analysis is carried out on each dataset

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pCLAMP 11 Software Suite

pCLAMP 11 Software Suite

The Axon Instruments® portfolio